donderdag 7 augustus 2008

Time for Chaos

Last week i went to the cinema and saw "The Dark Knight"
kind of a nice movie, except for the fact that i expected to see batman blow up that fucking building you could see on the posters....

anyway, while watching it, the Joker says some nice things like "Why so Serious" and "everyone is always looking for a plan, i HAVE no plan"
He just does... and man, that started me thinking (actually, this isn't true, i'm just trying to blame the movie for things i thought of a few years ago, but whatever :p).

Why would you do what everyone expects you to do? and even better: why would you let others around you live like they were told... in my opinion, it's time for some random action, things that are so big everyone is paying attention.
These things make people feel more alive.

For example (i'll start with a big one)
What if someone started to put bombs in pidgeons!
no, no need to laugh (not yet)
these bombs wouldn't have to be big enough to kill people, but they should be VERY loud, do "some" visible damage, and blow up the pidgeon completely.
after the first one, nothing will happen, people will be like "WUT?"
Then the second pideon explodes... people go like.. is this real?
The third one explodes... people start taking it really seriously.
The 4th... everyone is scared of pidgeons...

police starts hunting pidgeons (carefully, they are loaded!)

Then... let's start part 2: rats!

now the bombs could be anywhere, in the sky, on the ground, or under it....

then it stops for a while...

and every once and a while, say 5 times, random, each year... another pidgeon explodes.. by then others will probably be crazy enough to follow and start their own actions (copycats are useful)
and since it'll all be anonymous... who will ever know who started it?

some other ideas would be:
paint bombs, bring some colour to your city!

yeast => this one has a lot of possibilities... involving making bread, but that's not what i was thinking off ;)
what if.. say, some young weirdos like me take a big load of yeast into a restaurant... go to the toilet, crumble the stuff, and flush?
the next thing you know the toilet is running over, and the entire place is literally full of shit... now again, if you do this in 1 place, it's all controlable and stupid, no one will ever pay atention to it...
but if you go to... say, 30 restaurants, shops, and other public places with a toilet.... all on the same day... you can really start things flowing!

don't forget to wear a good disguise if you do this..
you don't want the police to see the same guy on camera in every place where it happened... why not ask some friends to join? grow a beard, and shave it when you're done.

I'm sure everyone can come up with a lot of ideas that are way better than mine.

ow... and before i forget.. don't do it, this is the internet, it's fake, don't do any of this in real life, if you do, i'll read it in the papers ;)

ps: if any surgeons read this, contact me on how to insert a bomb into a pidgeon without having the poor thing die (too soon).

just kidding, enjoy your day ;)

dinsdag 6 mei 2008

new stuff...


eerlijk gezegd interesseerde het me nooit..
wat random mensen zeggen op internet kan me weinig schelen....

maar guess what, via StumbleUpon krijg ik steeds meer de indruk dat het een handige manier is om willekeurige mensen van dingen op de hoogte te brengen, dingen die normaal gezien nooit door meer dan 5 kennissen gehoord worden...

bij deze waag ik me er maar op.. ik heb een hoop rotzooi die gepubliceerd kan worden, meestal volkomen random, unrelated met de rest...

bij deze, als iemand dit bericht leest... wel, deze blog komt zeer binnenkort vol te staan met ongerelateerde stuff... misschien interessant, misschien niet... wie weet.

Hidden role playing message at work!

I'm working in some warehouse at the moment, it's quite a boring job, and all i go to do is make cardboard boxes and nail them to pallets...

now a few days ago i found a little box of needle like things that looked like this:

Now i didn't really understand the word "strain" so i came up with the idea to just remove the S.
Well, i was bored, so then you do things like that...

I then noticed i got something very interesting when you remover the other S in that sentence...

this is what i got then:


whatever you do people.. don't train it!

it's a message from the great Cthulhu.

more random crap next time